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Cómo una empresa global debe gestionar su riesgo de forma satisfactoria contra ataques cibernéticos

EXCLUSIVA PARA GERENTES DE RIESGOS. Invitación de HDI a participar en la conversación virtual entre los gerentes de riesgos de Siemens AG y HDI Global.

Gratuita, solo debes registrarte a través del link de la invitación.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Zero Trust is certainly one of the most used buzzwords in the field of IT and information security. But what is behind this philosophy?

With the strongly increasing threat situation, we are noticing an increasing cultural change in digital attacks. In the past, attackers were more interested in making quick money, but this is now changing dramatically. The attacks are getting bigger and more destructive. They are increasingly aimed at gaining access to key points of critical systems that give the attackers much more control than ever before.

In their daily work, HDI’s cyber experts investigate cyber attacks and how companies can protect themselves against them and their consequences. We want to support our customers in best possible strengthening in their cyber resilience. In this context, we repeatedly see approaches to implement a zero trust approach, which follows the philosophy «never trust, always verify». This will be one of the most important security approaches in the coming years and we would like to take this opportunity to introduce it to you.

Therefore we want to talk about it and invite you as our business partners to our

HDI Cyber Talks x Siemens AG: How the global player successfully secures itself against Cyber attacks

 On 7 March 2023,  at  2 p.m. (GMT +1) 

Speakers: Nino Samsonadze and Peter Stoll from Siemens AG

                 Dr. Mukadder Erdönmez, Meike Röllecke and Christian Reimann from HDI Global SE

Please register here to sign in for event.

If you are not able to attend live, you can sign up to get the recording as well.

We look forward to hearing back from you and to seeing you at the event!

HDI Global Cyber Events 

AGERS weekly


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